I was finally able to go to a content day last week! I've been wanting to go to one since forever! Also, one of my business resolutions for 2021 is to attend more events like content days, workshops, and networking events!
If you don't know what a content day is, it's where a bunch of different wedding vendors and models collaborate to create beautiful environments and scenes for photographers to photograph! This content day was organized by three fantastic Lexington photographers (I'll list their name below with the rest of the vendors and models)! They did such a fantastic job! It was held at a brand new Lexington wedding venue called The Celestory at Greyhound Station. It's stunning!
Venue — @theclerestory
Dresses — @relixbridal
Design Install — @paigemakes
Florals — @inbloomflowerfarm
Hair — @hairbyemmahope @hairbymaddiewoff
Makeup — @makeupbysarahlynn
Invitation suite — @haleymichelledesigns
Rug — @canvas_event_furniture
Table — @warfordandco

The end.